Shane Pellerin Law Firm Probate LawyerThe nation is in a partial government shutdown, and as a result thousands of federal workers in Texas are set to begin furloughs. National parks as well as the Johnson Space Center in Houston are affected by the shutdown as well as three presidential libraries in Texas. The majority of Houston-area NASA employees will be furloughed beginning today as a result of the government shutdown.

Criminal courts and border security agents will stay open as normal. Mail, Social Security and Medicare benefits continue as normal as well. During the government shutdown the Bureau of Land Management will stop permitting oil and gas projects on public land; the Bureau will also stop processing applications for exporting liquefied natural gas.

Nationally in addition to in Texas, here are some ways that you may be affected by the government shutdown: All national parks will be closed, and the military will remain on duty, but with suspended pay. Federal occupational safety and health inspectors will cease workplace inspections except in the cases of immediate danger. Prisons will remain open, and criminal litigation proceeds as usual.

If you have any questions regarding how the government shutdown may affect your business, please do not hesitate to contact the Pellerin Law Firm.

Source:, “Government Shutdown Affects Thousands in Texas,” October 1, 2013

Source: Houston Chronicle, “Your Guide to the Government Shutdown,” September 30, 2013

Source: Houston Business Journal, “Government Shutdown to Severely Impact Local NASA Employees,” October 1, 2013, Molly Ryan