Shane Pellerin Law Firm Probate LawyerWhen Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana this year, knowledge of different forms of the drug became more commonplace. But in Houston, a new form of pot has police and parents on high alert.

It’s called “wax, honey or butter,” and has the appearance of a lip balm. It’s made by heating the marijuana plant and extracting THC into a wax form.

The Drug Enforcement Agency said the drug is on the rise in Texas. According to Special Agent Wendell Campbell, the THC content of the wax can be between 50 and 90 percent, while typical marijuana has 13 percent.

Law enforcement warns parents to be on the lookout for the drug, which is odorless, especially in electronic cigarettes, where it can be easily used.

Source:, “Dangerous marijuana wax hits streets of Houston,” by Steve Campion, September 8, 2014