Shane Pellerin Law Firm Probate LawyerThe Alamo’s top on-site official is in the middle of a divorce case that’s questioning the management of the Alamo as she has acknowledged sending explicit photos and texts via a cellphone that was used for both personal and work purposes.

Alamo Executive Administrator Melinda Navarro has admitted to sending explicit photos and texts but claims that she never had an affair. She claims that her husband is attempting to create a media frenzy by suggesting that she had an affair with a former Alamo vendor. Navarro’s husband, Larry Navarro, seeks examination of a laptop computer as well as testimony from the man believed to have been the recipient of explicit photos and texts.

Some are calling for Navarro to resign. While many admit that divorces should be personal matters, when the care of the Alamo is in question, it becomes a public issue, they claim.

This case is an example of how online and cellphone activity can play into divorce cases in Texas and throughout the country. More and more times we’re seeing Facebook, Twitter, laptops and cellphones included within divorce cases throughout the Houston, Texas area.

Remember to be honest regarding your online activity when facing a divorce. If anything explicit happened, it’s likely to come up. If you have any questions about how your online and cellphone activity may affect your divorce, we at the Pellerin Law Firm are happy to offer a complimentary consultation to discuss how your digital activity may affect you. Please contact us today.

Source:, “Divorce Case Reveals Sexting by Alamo’s Overseer,” Scott Huddleston, June 5, 2013