Pasadena Refining System System Inc. finds itself repeatedly in the spotlight during the past two weeks.

Shortly after Environment Texas and the Sierra Club’s Lone Star chapter filed a lawsuit against the plant alleging pollution violations under the Clean Air Act, Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan filed an enforcement action in a state district court.Shane Pellerin Law Firm Probate Lawyer

The enforcement action seeks to hold PRSI responsible for repeated violations of state environmental protection laws. According to Ryan’s office, Harris County Pollution Control Services uncovered violations of the Texas Clean Air Act and Texas Clean Water Act.

This filing seeks to motivate PRSI company officials to correct course themselves. Harris county officials met with company representatives before the enforcement action was even filed, and agreed to work together toward solution to the issues.

PRSI must develop an plan to work towards compliance or potentially face appointment of a court-ordered receiver to take corrective measures.

The filing noted a variety of past incidences at the plant, including when more than 1,400 pounds of sulfur dioxide were released during a flaring operation at the refinery.

PRSI is owned and operated by Petrobras, the state-run Brazilian petroleum company.

Source:, Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan Seeks to Stop Century-old Pasadena Refinery Pollution, by Dianna Wray, March 7, 2017.